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Patterned liquid crystal: a soft materal for optical components

Reporter:Kristiaan Ncyts
Time: 10:00 am on April 13, 2023
location:322, Building B, Electrooptic Discipline

Introduction of reporter

  Kristinaan Neyts, full professor in the department of Electronics and information systems otGhon Univerxity in Belnm, has becn hcading the laguid Crys ad Pholmics RescarchGroup sinee 2000, which is mainly focusing on the fesearch in the fields of liquid crystal.0l 11), cectrapnafewix. and sulur cclls. Hik gtoup has adyanced espcrirnctal cqupmicnts awell as expeitise in nunerical simulation and characterization of electro-optical devices andus won fmv nulional sciunlilie uwards. Prof Ncyls owis 10 licnl pulcns and haspublrshed over 260 journal aiticles with h index 32 in the past five yeals, he has given morehan 30 ineted or kernote speeches a internatronal conterences

Abstract of reporter

  Nematic Liquid Crystals (LCs) are soft materials that easily respond to externalinflutncos Le lo the liud sinte they can self-organize and find the state with minimalChislic cncruy. Hy clihy mnosclc paltern aligmcnl al thc suracc of two substraics. i ipossible to croete comniex 3D stcturesin the enclosed liquid crystal. The patterning isrerhyod hy illuminang nholascnsilive laycr wilh a strtclurcd lasr beam, cithcr lyinterterence between rwo coherent laser beams, or by projecring the light rellecled from thxls o1i spulial li hl moduller nln thc substratc.l1t lhe tmcnctl TSand mumerical sirnulations will be discussed, Using clhral liquid crystal with photonic band gari ihe vixille highl, this apprcch c be used u ohuin purlially lraspurcnl rellcctor's fuaugmented reulity devices.

Inviter:Bingxiang Li
Sponsors: School of Electronics and Optical engineering, School of Flexible Electronics (Future Technology)